Saturday, January 5, 2013

By Faith the Sun Rises

Did the sun rise today?

Good. Yahweh is faithful.

So all I have to do is stand in faith on days in which the sun has risen.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

I could not begin to describe what Yahweh has done for me in the year 2012. I see so much more, hear so much more, than I did at the beginning of that year, and I look forward to saying that at the end of this and every year that I abide in Yahweh.

Because with Yahweh, no matter what happens in a year, each one is better than the one before because each one builds upon the last that Yahweh be glorified.

But years are man-made. Time is much more than what man has set down in the calendar. 

Every day is its own. And every week, month, year. I may not know what each one holds, but I know Who holds them. Life by faith. But each lifetime is as a day. And each family lineage like a year. And the existence of all of Creation, One with the Creator, is beyond even that. Eternal and constant. Forever increasing as the Tree of Life grows and grows.